Order relative to amending the Constitution of the State, 150. " to private attachments, --- 150. 207. " to repealing an act to encourage the destruction of Crows, Bears, &c. 163. 212. "to securing to mechanics & others payment for their labor, --- 170. " to altering the law for the collection of taxes on nonresident land, --- 188. 327. "to the selection, empaneling & services of Jurors 198. 304. " to the inspection of compressed hay for shipping 204. " to trespasses ----- 219. 250. 348. " to exempting from taxation Manufacturing Companies of Cotton, Wool, Iron & Steel, --- 242. " to penalties incurred by town officers omitting to return votes for state & county officers, 242. 258. " to plantations supporting their poor, - 249. 284. " to the States proposing to the U.S. to assume the support of the U.States Military Road, 262. " to taxing unincorporated plantations for the support of primary Schools, --- 273. 343. " to repealing and act to incorporate the Odoms Ledge Fishing Company --- 291 " to appropriations made by the Legislature for the benefit of public schools. 312, 323.
" to Literary Institutions and Free Schools, 27. 42. " to the appointment of County School Committees 44. 214. " to Schools, 65. 84. " to primary Schools, 69 " to an act additional to provide for the education of youth, 78, 115, 116, 214. " to Literary Institutions rendering an account of their funds, the amount of all donations received &c. 113. " to Selectmen's making return of Scholars, 194.