The House took up the Bill enlarging the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace - and on motion to postpone the Bill indefinitely - the question was taken by Yeas and Nays and decided as follows Yeas 37 Nays 109 ( see appendix page) and before any further discussion was called for
And the House adjourned until afternoon.
Afternoon Met according to adjournment
Report on Petition of Hall Clements came from the Senate accepted for concurrence that the Petitioner take nothing by his Petition was read and committed to a joint select committee Consisting of Messrs. Webster of Belfast - Smith of Cumberland and Hobart of Edmunds - with such as the Senate may join - sent up.
Resolve proposing an amendment to the Constitution to the State having been read twice and the amendments of the Senate adopted - was further amended and on sheet annexed marked B and passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.