Sent up for concurrence.
Bill to incorporate the West Branch Boom Company was read a 3rd time and passed to be engrossed as amended on sheets annexed marked A and B. Sent up for concurrence
On motion by Mr Jewett of Portland
Ordered, That the Executive be requested to communicate to this House any information he may have received, in relation to a Resolve passed March 12 1834, requiring the Attorney General of the State to cause a suitable process to be instituted against the first Cumberland Turnpike Corporation to shen cause why they should continue to receive tolls upon said Turnpike and why the said Turnpike and the franchise there of should not revest to, and be vested in the State.
Remonstrances of Robert Gilchirst and others - of John Kipper and others against the petition of John Creighton and others for leave to build a Bridge across George River, were severally read and referred to the committee on Turnpikes, Bills, and Canals. Sent up for concurrence
Petition of John B Smith for aid for services ect was read and referred to the committee on Claims. Sent up for concurrence.
Messrs Paris of Buckfield, and Cony of Orono were added to the committee on Literature and
And then the House adjourned
Attest James S Child Clerk