253 Charles Cooper - read and referred to the Committee on Interior Waters, in concurrence.
On motion of Mr Merrow, ordered, that the Committee on the Judiciary be directed to inquire into the expediency of passing a general law, requiring the Clerks of the Courts in the several Counties in this State to cause to be published in one or more Newspapers in each of said Counties the items of the expenses of said Counties the items of the expenses of said Counties annually.
Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Mr Miller, from the Committee on Interior Waters reported order of notice on petition of William B Littlefield and another - read and accepted-
Sent down for concurrence, Concurred
Mr Talbot from the Committee on Roads and Bridges reported reference to next Legislature on petition of inhabitants of Bluehill- read and accepted.
Sent down for concurrence Concurred.
Bill to incorporate the Medaceunk Mill Company reported by Mr Frye from the Committee on Manufactures on petition of Jacob Fish and others; to incorporate the Maine Sick Culture and Manufacturing Company reported by the same Gentleman from the same Committ