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Mr Farnham from the Committee on Literary Institutions to which was referred "Bill to establish an institution for the purpose of promoting the object of instruction and science and the better qualifying school teachers who shall be engaged in primary schools," reported that said bill ought not to pass; also reported legislation inexpedient on petition of Thomas Gray and others and leave to withdraw on petition of Charles Hosac - read and accepted.

Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

The committee on Turnpikes Bridges and Canals reported leave to withdraw on petition of William Woodman and others - read and accepted in concurrence.

Bill to incorporate the Maine Episcopal Missionary Society was taken up and amended. Mr Bartlett moved to indefinitely postpone the same; and the question of indefinitely postponing said bill being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays was decided in the negative as follows to wit,

Yeas Messrs Bartlett, Brown, Clark, T. Greene, Latham, McIntire, Prescott, Purinton, Read, Smith and Tobin 11 Nays. Messrs Allen, Barnard, Burnham, Emmons, Farnham, Fish, C. Green, Mantor, McLellan, O'Brien, Pierce and Randall 12. and said Bill passed to be engrossed as amended.

Bill to set off a part of Starks and annex the same to Mercer came up -- The House insisting on their vote passing said bill to be engrossed. The Senate reconsider their vote referring said bill to the next Legislature, and indefinitely postpone the same.

Sent down for concurrence.