Resolve for making a road from Weeks Mills in Brighton to Moosehead Lake was read and recommitted with instructions to report a statement of facts in concurrence
The committee on the Judiciary reported Legislation inexpedient on an order relative to attachment on mesne process or sales of property on execution was read and accepted, in concurrence
Bill establishing Howland Academy came up, the House insisting on their vote passing the same to be engrossed. The Senate insist on their former vote in referring said bill to the next Legislature,
and propose a Conference and appoint as Conferees on their part Messrs Fish, Emmons and Smith
Sent down for concurrence
Concurred and the House appoint as conferees on their part Messrs Carpenter McCrate and Chase of Lubec.
The Committee on the Judiciary reported Legislation unnecessary on an order relative to the importation and emigration of foreign paupers - read and on motion of Mr Emmons ordered to lie on the table
Bill for the preservation of the Floating Bridge in the town of Dexter, reported by Mr Bartlett from the Joint Select Committee to which was referred the report of the Committee on turnpikes Bridges and Canals on an order relative to said bridge
Resolve in favor of the town of New Portland laid on the table by Mr Prescott severally read once and tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a second reading
Bill to establish the Waterville Liberal Institute reported by Mr Farnham from the Committee on