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accepted. Sent down for concur- -rence, Concurred.

Petition of Robert Manwell praying for a Military Pension - read and referred to the Committee on Mili- -tary Pensions in concurrence,

Petition of Lewis C. Kelly and oth- -ers, praying to be incorporated by the name of the Mount, Waldo, Stone, Quarry, Corporation - read and referred to the Committee on Manufactures, in concurrence,

Remonstrance of William C. Mitch- -el and others against the petition of inhabitants of township of Fordtown - read and referred to the Committee on Incorporation of Towns in con- -currence,

Order from the House of Represen- -tatives, appointing Messrs. Carpenter of Foxcroft, Warren of Durham, Em- -ery of Saco, Lee of Oxford, Tabor of Vassalborough, Lake of Buxport, Mar- den of Palmero, Eastman of Strong Fletcher of Thomaston and Pack- -ard of Houlton a Committee, with such as the Senate may join, to in- -quire into the expediency of re- pealing all laws relative to retailers +c of Spirituous liquors - read and passed in concurrence and Messrs. Talbot, Severance and Frye are join-