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State of Maine [underlined] Resolves [underlined] ratifying and confirming a Treaty with the Penobscot Indians. Resolved, [underlined] That the Treaty concluded with the Penobscot Tribe of Indians, on the seventeenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty, by Lothrop Lewis, Esquire, Agent in behalf of the State of Maine Commissioned by the Governor for that purpose, pursuant to a Resolve of the Legislature of this State, passed on the twentieth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred twenty, be and the same is by this State ratified and confirmed, according to the true intent and meaning thereof. Resolved, [underlined] That a Duplicate of the original Release of the Penobscot Tribe of Indians to the Commonwealth of Mafsachusetts, together with a true and attested Copy of said Treaty, be transmitted by the Governor of this State, to the Commifsioners appointed agreeably to the Act of Separation, for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of the said Act, In the House of Representatives February 5, 1821, Read and passed. Benj Ames Speaker. In Senate February 9, 1821, Read and passed, Wm. L. Williamson, President. Approved February 9, 1821. William King. A true copy Ashur Ware Sec of State