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State of Maine _

In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight _

An Act to incorporate the Abyssinian A Society B _

Sec 1. Be it enacted by the Senate the House of Repre- sentatives, in Legislature assembled, that Ephraim Small, Titus Skillings, Clement Thompson, John Sigs and Reuben Ruby, with their associates and successors, be and hereby are incorporated into a body politic, by the name of the "Abyssinian C Society D : with power to [illegible--it looks like two documents that should have been scanned separately are scanned together and one piece of paper is covering the middle section of the longer document]

P In the title of A Insert _ 'Religious' In the title of B Insert _ 'of Portland' At C end end of fifth line Insert _ 'Religious' And After the word Society in the sixth line Insert 'of Portland'

In the Senate July 8th 1828 This Bill having had two several readings passed to be engrossed Sent down for concurrence [?] Robert P Dunlap, Pres.t

House of Representatives February 14th 1828

This Bill having had three several readings passed to be engrossed on slip annexed marked P. Sent up for concurrence. John Ruggles, Speaker.