capacity. I would not trouble with these remarks were you here, and acquainted with the views and feelings of the publick that you could judge for yourself.
I feel under obligations to you for your goodness in informing me [one inserted] that I might be appointed one of the Justices of the Court of Sessions at our next winter Session, and I calculate on that Office as far as I ought. Should it be necessary in the opinion of any that I ought to be sooner I would do it. but three can do the little business usually done at the November Court in this County. and before another Court I will be quallified should I be appointed.
Since I have been in this Town altho the people have always given me their suffrages when they were asked for any Office I ever set up for but never having set myself up for a Representative I have never had that notice from the Executive of Massachusetts that has been paid Col Pond or Col Lee. tho I have been longer in Town than either of them. Therefore I feel myself under obligations for the attention I have received from the Worthy Executive of the State of Maine and heartily subscribe myself as your Sincere Friend and
Humble Servant
Saml Little