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by him last year due West from the Monument to Mount Katahdin, and you are to extend that line, due West, from where Norris left it, until it shall meet Moosehead lake, or intersect the East line of some township already located (or in case such line shall go North of the township at the head of the lake located for the Plymouth Company) until you are opposite to that town ship & then run South until you intersect the North line of that township & thence to the North East corner of it, so that we may know the exact distance from the Monument to the lake, or to land already located. Should your line intersect the lake South of the Plymouth Company's township, or the East line of that township you will then run and measure to the nearest corner of it & note the course & distance & lay it down on your plan that we may know the relative position of the lake with the Monument.

This line running West will pass over Mount Katahdin & thro Chisuncook lake & will require great care, attention & skill to have it accurate & you must be watchful that you are not carried from your true course by attraction of the needle or any other cause - You will on this line continue mile marks from Norris' mile tree & note the quality of the land where you run, the growth of wood, lakes, ponds & streams & also note the appearance of the country, North & South of your line as far as you can discern & describe the same, from the high lands over which you will pass. . to aid you in this part of the survey we furnish an extract from the map of Maine,representing the territory where your line will pass, an eye sketch taken by Norris on Mount Katahdin, & a description of the North East & South East corners of the Plymouth Companys township, which township will readily be known from its having been lotted -

In making the survey you are to employ faithful and experienced chainbearers, who are to make exact horizontal