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A game online is one that is played on the internet to entertain people. These games usually involve people using the arrow keys and space bar to control a character or object to do things such as shoot or jump. They can also be based on virtual worlds, animals or a variety of other themes. There are many different types of online games, but they all require players to log in with a user name to play them. This allows users to interact with other 'players' in the game by talking to them through a chat window or voice function. These games often have a leaderboard or statistics system where users can track their performance over time.

While the gaming industry has been a major source of entertainment for many people, there are concerns that it is damaging society. Some studies have linked online gaming to obesity, social isolation, depression and other negative behaviors. However, there is also evidence that it can reduce stress, improve vision and increase decision-making skills.

Online gaming began with the first multiplayer games, which allowed multiple players to interact with each other in a virtual environment. Originally these were arcade cabinets and later home consoles, but it was with the introduction of Xbox Live in 2002 that gaming truly became an online experience.

As computer networks grew in capacity, online gaming started to expand rapidly. Players dialed into bulletin-board systems (BBS's) and other online services to discuss the games they were playing, but the real breakthrough came with the launch of a massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) such as the classic Neverwinter Nights by BioWare in 1995. These early online games used expensive modem connections to allow for a large number of players to log in and play the same game at the same time.

These online games grew in popularity, and as the technology behind the Internet improved, web-based browser games began to appear. These games could be played by anyone with a computer and an Internet connection. However, they didn't offer the social interaction and community that the original online games did. can use online gaming to spread malware, which can steal information or crash the server where the game is hosted. Distributed denial of service attacks, which overload the gaming servers, are another way hackers can disrupt gaming.

Parents should talk to their children about the games they are playing and the safety settings that can be used on their devices. They should also set limits on their gaming and make sure it is balanced with friends, activities and school. Less than half of the young gamers ADL surveyed talked to the adults in their lives about their gaming experiences, which can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications. Adults should actively review the safety features on their kids' devices and ensure they aren't allowing them to engage in conversations with strangers through voice chat. They should also make sure their kids are logging out of the game when they're done with it to prevent them from leaving it unattended.