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Established 1887



Dec. 6, 1950 M Kenneth Roberts r. Kennebunkpo rt, Maine . Dea r M r.

oberts :

ent an item that I t hink I am handling on cons i gnm will be of considerable interes t to you, thought the price may discourage you . However you who are interes ted i n Main history , I believe, should at lea st know that such an item is on the market. I refer tp a Land Deed or Pa tent, gr anted by the Plymouth Council, dated March 13th , 1629, and signed by the Ea rl of W arwick . I t is on one shee tof pa er , oblon~ f olio , with the original seal pre served, and is I?ra m ed. The documents granted the right s f or about one million a cres of what i s to day the Sta t e of Maine to "Joh Beauchamps of London gentleman and Thomas Leverett of Bos ton in the County of Lincolne gentleman their heirs and as s ociates and assigns ." This gr 1:cnt w f i rs t known as the "M as uscongus .f:'atent" (see W illiamson, History of M aine , vol. 1 , • 240 , who gives incor rectly the da te as March 1630) and w later call ed the Waldo Patent." as The consi gner advi s es me that the r e were usually t wo copi e s of the s e gr ants ma.de , one to be s ent to New Engla nd nd t he other one to be kept in England . The vellum copy of this M congus us Patent is in the Mass'1chusetts Hi storical Society . The copy I am offer ing is on paper. I understa nd that both copie s are identica l a s £zr as signatures go . The price is $1 , 000 . W ould you by any chance be interested , or wo uld you pe rha ps know of some Maine person who might be? It is certa inly a remarka le i t em. Fa i t hfully yours ,


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