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[masthead] Walter R. Benjamin Autographs Established 1887 18 East 77th Street Mary A. Benjamin, Director New York 21, New York

Dec. 6, 1950

M Kenneth Roberts Kennebunkport, Maine.

Dear Mr. Roberts :

I am handling on consignment an item that I think will be of considerable interest to you, thought the price may discourage you . However you who are interested in Maine history, I believe, should at least know that such an item is on the market.

I refer to a Land Deed or Patent, granted by the Plymouth Council, dated March 13th, 1629, and signed by the Earl of Warwick . It is on one sheetof paper, oblong folio, with the original seal preserved, and is framed. The documents granted the rights for about one million acres of what is today the State of Maine to "Jon Beauchamps of London gentleman and Thomas Leverett of Boston in the County of Lincolne gentleman their heirs and associates and assigns." This grant was first known as the "Muscongus Patent" (see Williamson, History of Maine, vol. 1, p. 240 , who gives incor rectly the da te as March 1630) and w later call ed the Waldo Patent." as The consi gner advi s es me that the r e were usually t wo copi e s of the s e gr ants ma.de , one to be s ent to New Engla nd nd t he other one to be kept in England . The vellum copy of this M congus us Patent is in the Mass'1chusetts Hi storical Society . The copy I am offer ing is on paper. I understa nd that both copie s are identica l a s £zr as signatures go . The price is $1 , 000 . W ould you by any chance be interested , or wo uld you pe rha ps know of some Maine person who might be? It is certa inly a remarka le i t em. Fa i t hfully yours ,


Publisher of "THE C Telephone: REgent 4-3902

Cable Address: Weltegraph