From DigitalMaine Transcription Project
be no hope of re-enlistments. The thought has been several times suggested that if we could go home as a Regt. & stop a month or so many of the two years men would- from choice- re-enlist without bounty- this plan is earnestly desired by our officers & so I have taken the liberty to write you on the subject- I sh'd be sory to see so good a reg't as the 2[0] disbanded; I am sure it hardships on many hard fought fields have earned for it the privilege of going home once under it our Regimental flag & with it our officers- I trust Sir, that you will be able to see a [very?] clear to exert your influence to bring about so desirable a thing the 25th of April is the time claim ed for discharge from the service by the two years men- the oath,