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� SCHEDULE of the real and person estate (necessary clothing and bedding excepted) belonging to the subscriber, viz: [handwritten] Real Estate - None[underlined] 2 Cows @ 12$ 2 Calves 2.50 5 Sheep 6.25 -- 32.75 2 Pigs 3$ old Scythe 3/ Rake 20c. ax 3/ Shovel 3/ - 4.70 Pot 6/ Kettle 6/ Tea Kettle 3/ Spider 3/ 3 chains 4/6 - 3.75 Wheel 4/6 Bowls + Crockery ware 9/ Shovel + tongs 6/ - 3.25 Tub Barrels + other wooden ware 9/ Knives + forks + spoons 6/ - 2.50 1 Chest 6/ Sundry small articles all of the value $5/ - 6.45 __ $52.95

Annual Income - Nothing[underlined]

his Solomon +[mark] Barber mark

SCHEDULE of the family residing with me Solomon Barber[handwritten] who, by occupation am a Farmer[handwritten] which I am un[handwritten] able to pursue by reason of almost total blindness and the infirmity incident to old age[handwritten]

Names Ages Capacity of each to contribute to their support wife Deborah Barber 64 able to labour but very little Isaiah Barber 23 Labours on his own account Lucy Stinson 16 a hired girl

his Solomon +[mark] Barber mark

STATE OF MAINE[italics] Hancock, ss I, Eben Poor[handwritten] clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court[handwritten] do hereby certify, that it appears, to the satisfaction of the court, that the said Solomon Barber[handwritten] did serve in the Revolutionary war, as stated in the preceding declaration, against the common enemy, for the term of nine months, under one engagement, on the continental establishment. I also certify, that the foregoing oath, and the schedule thereto annexed, are truly copied from the records of the said court; and I do further certify, that it is the opinion of the said court, that the total amount in value of the property exhibited is the aforesaid schedule is fifty two[handwritten] dollars and seventy five[handwritten] cents. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the seal of the said court, on this twenty seventh[handwritten] day of June[handwritten] 182 3[handwritten] [1823] Eben Poor[signature] Clerk of the Court of the County of Hancock aforesaid.