April eighth., Nineteen twenty.
My dear Mrs. Riggs: The package containing materia1s for a br:lef s){etch of your life and work., :P,as been received at the Library, It was ve1~~r kind of you to take so much trouble ln bringing together this material., and I wish to asEure you of my deep appreciation.
I am very :anxious to have a complete set of your books in the library., if possible in the same bindtngs. 1.Vould it be too ·much to ask you to send me a complete set of the best bindings and would you kindly write your autographs in each one? Of cour•se you understand that I will send a chec~ by return mail for the boolrn. I would send it in this letter., if I had any idea of their price: My purpose in asking you to select and send the books., is that I may have the right set in the library. It may interest you to know that I am trying to secure a complete set of the wo1•lrn of all Maine authors. I am Sincerely yours,
Mrs. George c. Riggs., 145 W. 58th Street., New York City.