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�Page 53? [illegible] Records. of. Amos Howards. Family. Amos. Howard. Was. Born. June. 7th. 1815. Cordelia, his. Wife. was. Born. October 6th. 1817. Catherine. W. Moore. was. Born. June. 13th. 1839. Cyntha. [Cynthia?] W. Howard. was. Born. May. 16th. 1848. Charles E. [P. next?] Howard was Born Nov. 15th 1855.

Records. of Deaths. In. Amos. Howards. Family. Catherine W. Moore, Died in Boston, Mass. (supposed suicide) April 20th 1871? Amos Howard died [blank] Cordelia his wife died at Cranberry Isles, Aug. 3, 1887.