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�December 26, 1917.

Captain A.R. Goodman, U.S.A., c/o Halifax Ladies College, Halifax, N.S.

My dear Captain:

This letter will introduce to you Drs. Charles Bell, J.W. Nichols and Elmer Brown. These are the doctors you requested Captain Goodwin to send at the earliest possible moment.

Dr. Bell is one of the leading surgeons of this State and one of the most efficient men; he is very well known in the medical profession and is capable of doing practically any kind of operation know to medical science.

Dr. J.W. Nichols will assist Dr. Bell but is one of the lead- ing medical men of our county; he makes a specialty of internal medicines and is very efficient in his line.

Dr. Brown is a very fine surgeon and will be of great assistance to Dr. Bell.

I am sure you will find all three splendid men. They are intense- ly human and are typical down-east Yankees of the old stock and will make good wherever you put them. They are my own selection as I am speaking from personal knowledge.

I have also a very fine oculist who would be very glad to serve if you need him.

Captain Goodwin returned Tuesday night. Have just had a long interview with him and am very glad that things are going along so well. Captain Goodwin is very fond of Captain Goodman and thinks he is certainly the right man in the right place. It was very refreshing to meet you at Halifax for before you arrived everything seemed to be going in rather a hit-a-miss way. Am in hopes some time to meet you again and then we will talk over all these matters fully.

Thanking you for the many courtesies extended to the Maine unit and assuring you that we are always at your service, I remain,

Yours sincerely,

The Adjutant General.

[blue x over body of letter] [handwritten in pencil in lower left corner:] [?], in Portland were told not needed + returned to home