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Advised that WHO'S WHO IN SPACE carrying my biography will be included in a time capsule at the Robert Hutchins Goddard Memorial Library at Worchester, Mass. The capsule will be opened in the 25th Century. Asked to Help newly organized Huntsville literary society to advise on their porjected publication PORK.

OLE magazine of Open Skull Press, San Francisco reviewe seven published books of mine, three by me.  FOUNDS published in London.  Walter Rowenfels asks to reprint ms "Survival"; Dick Higgins asks me to illustrate his ms Taifun Willi which I do with college photos from the press.  N. Chatterji asks for material for his book "Avant Garde Movements, A Critical Bioliography.  Sold rights of Fraonkel's Gensis of Tropic of Cancer to Feltrinelli Editors in Milan.  Last of two articles on trip to Newfoundland appears in December American Speech, dated 1966 as is one year behind schedule.  Correspondence with Dutch American poet Lee Ver Duft and will undertake to reissue six of his titles in my limited hand-made formats if orders allow.  Made many slip cases by hand during the year for individual titles and materials going to UCLA and Colby in frequent mailings.  Invited to join International Platform Association and Royal BlueBook (London).  On vacation, first out of Huntsville in three years, flew to Expo 67 to take in current and projected movments and ideas in architecture and design; crossed by bus from Montreal to Passaduskeag Maine to visit mother, Maine Indian reservation and Old Town Canoe factory returning to Huntsville by bus and air after stop at Quality Books in Philadelphia to learn the 16 titles of mine there were still sitting . . a typical setup of the printing trade delay after delay and little promise but always hope.  Word finally received from UNESCO that I was not selected for a post in physics at the University of Brazilia, also word that conditions in Greece would not allow selection now for a job in a trade school there; no word ever came from an application to go to a university in Pakistan; first contact with Schevill after a long silence.  Correspondence Blanche Phillips, Robert Whitener, Lee Ver Duft, Everett Porter, James Scoggins, Kenneth Patchen, Richard Bowman.  Getting inquiries for rights in english of publishers in Spain, also book orders.  Think often of ways and means to get out of Huntsville and to found in physical buildings reality the Institute of Advanced Thinking.