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�Division Orders, the 8th Divison Militia The serious aspect of our public affairs, at the present eventful crisis! [?] renders it peculiarly expedient and proper, that the Militia, the great constitutional Palla-dium of our national security, should be immediately put into a state of active preparation, as efficient in all essential respects, as the situation of the country and the existing circumstances of it's inhabitants will permit. And, as a series of events, not unusual in a Militia constituted like our own, have recently operated a partial derangement, in various parts of the Division, the Major General expects and requires that, the Coloniels [?] and Commanding Officers of Regiments and Corps, will immediately make proper returns, of the names of all such persons as have been elected to offices, but, who are not commissioned; and also, the like returns of all existing vacancies in their Regiments and Corps respectively, from whatever causes the same may have arisen, in order that such