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The detached Companies detailed from the first & third [quantities underlined] Regiments, will compose one Battalion, & be commanded by Major Joel Thompson; [name underlined] those furnished by the second & fourth [quantities underlined] Regiments, will form one other Battalion, & be commanded by Major Obadiah Witherell: [name underlined] And whenever the Major-General shall organize the Battalions into a Regiment, it will be commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant John Moor. [name underlined]

The Commanding Officers of the standing Regiments will see that the Detachment be made and enrolled by the 15. day of October next. They will also make out a Roster of the several Officers appointed to the Detachment; and also a return of the several Companies form of the men detached from their respective Regiments, and transmit them without fail [both underlined] to the Brigade-Major by the 30. day of said October, at farthest. The Captains of Artillery will be held answerable for the proportion of noncommissioned officers & matrosses required from their respective Companies; & they will transmit such returns to the Brigade Major, & will furnish such muster-rolls of the men, as are required in the case of the foot Companies.
