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of the Town or City of............................................. We the undersigned, women of voting age, respectfully petition you to vote in favor of Woman Suffrage at the special election on September 10, 1917: address


Dexter Rosa L.Pendexter Mrs. L. Rae Pullen Mrs. L. M. Pomroy Mrs. Sadie Manks Miss Stella N. Manks Mrs. B. H. Moodside Mrs. Avella H. Briggs Helen I. Poss Mrs. Belle M. Poss Pauline Carver Gertrude Possett Edith P. Kidder Marv R. Pierce L. Estelle Kirby EthaxxSxxgaxto Ethel G. Coffin Addie Church Marsh M. Olive Winslow Imogene M. Weymouth Clara H. Crossland Mabel E. Howard Madeline Daggett Mabell Tario Mrs. Stanley Plummer Mrs. Grace Gilman Brewster Miss Bessie H. Gilman Mrs. B. B. Small Mrs. Ruby Sprague Clythe N. Dorr Myra A. McKachiaeu^X Mrs. Fannie B. Damon Mrs. Mary J. Beamis Mrs. Selin B. Windton Mrs. B. E. Whiteoms -Mrs. P. A. Bradbury Mrs. Neary 7. Pierce Mrs. Amanda B. Riley Mrs. Alma E. Jockins Mrs. Robert P. Davis, Mrs. Mae E. Begfl^sfc. Mrs. Anna M. Harrington Mrs. Vera Kavis Mrs. Edna Davis Mrs. Tressie Dore Idella Morver Prances Robinsdn Rossie L. Flanders Ida E. Flanders Etter M. Jackso# Gladys H. Grant Carrie M. Starbird Lena M. Nuite Georgia McComb Edith A. Grant Cora M. Skillin Grace C. Kelley Mrs. Sadie Kelley Grace B. Shepard Mrs. Angie A. Yidsur Mrs. Addie M. Burrill Mrs. Annie M. Littlefield

. 4

Prances E. Jose Mrs. Blanche L. Poss Mrs. A. White Mrs. L. Littlefield Mrs. W. H. Butlin Mrs. H. C. Brad Mrs. B. A. Wentworth Mrs. Keith B. Wentworth Mrs. D. L. Whitmore Mrs. Eva M. Higgins Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson Mrs. A. C. Petecomh Miss Marguerite Bertrand Mrs. E. L. Palmer M*s. Florence E. Coburn Mrs. J. B. Merrill Mrs. Edward Everett Hale Mrs. Mary Bailey Mrs. Evalyn Carne Mrs. Sarah P. Hill Mrs. Abby A. Corey Grace P. Howard Mrs. Mary V. Rollins Mrs. Mamie R. Copeland Miss Sue Winslow S. A. Bragdon Bertha M. Leighton

