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� in those of the first & fifth Divisions, where there are odd bat- talions; in each of those two instances one regiment will be formed of three battalions. The Major-generals will also form & organize the cavalry & artillery into companies and they will make return of the whole to the adjutant. general before the first day of December next.

      The Detachment will consist of 17 regiments of foot, 12 

companies of cavalry, & 8 companies of artillery, and will be organized in 6 Brigades & 3 Divisions, as follows, viz.

      1. Division Major-general Goodwin of Plymouth.

4993 men, composing 7 regiments of foot, 5 companies of cavalry, & 4 companies of artillery.

   First Brigade, Brigadier-general Gill   {Suffolk, Norfolk, Plymouth, 
                                                of Suffolk {Bristol & Barnstead, 2669

2.Brigade, Brigadr. general Woods of Middlesex Esseoc& Middlesex

   2. Division, Major-general Ashley of Berkshire.

3624 men, composing 5 regiments of foot, 5 companies of cavalry, &

2 companies of artillery.
   1. Brigade, Brigadier-general Lyman }
                                        of Hampshire} Hampshire & Berkshire 2195
   2. Brigade, Brigadier-general Whiting }  Worcester ___________1429
                                          of Worcester}
   3. Division, Major-general Dearborn of Lincoln.

3219 men, composing 5 regiments of foot, 2 companies of cavalry & 2 companies of artillery.