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I John Gibson of Bucksport in the county of Hancock [Clothier?] do hereby testify [today?], that on or about the first of June 1779 I inlisted as a soldier in the Continental service for the term of six months: Capt. [?] Company. & Col John [Maireys] Regt. & Genl. Cornwells Brigade: We were stationed at Rhode Island and took posession of Newport soon after the British evacuated it : I served my said term of inlistment out & was negatively discharged : In the spring of 1780. I inlisted again for six months: In Capt. Isaac [F?] Company & Col [Seammeds?] ([d?]? N Hampshire) Regt.: We joined our Regt. at West Point: I was one of the soldiers which were [?] to make up six Regiments under the Marquis La Fayette: I was now in Capt. David McGregors Company & Van Cortlandts Regt. & Gen. Hands Brigade : We continued at West Point & the Jersies during this Campaign: and went into winter quarters at the Place called Soldiers Fortrace: After this I went to West Point where I recieved an honorable discharge: In the next spring I inlisted again for four months: In Capt. James [Molorses?] Company : Joined my Regiment at West Point. ( I think [P?]) I was immediatley detached into a Company of Woods Cutters: under the Command of [?] Joshua Davis: We went into the Woods above Stoney Point: Where we continued untill my said inlistment was out: Where I was regularly discharged at West Point: I have lost all my said discharges I am now under Reduced circumstances & need the assistance of my Country for support.- I hereby [?] with all [s?] to any provisions Pension and amount of my said services. -

      John Gibson