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Brigade Orders, 2. Brigade 8. Division Augusta, Feb. 18. 1801

A Courtmartial is appointed to sit at Whittier's tavern in Readfield on the 12. day of March next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the trial of Capt. Heartson Cony of the 5. regiment, upon sundry charges exhibited against him by a number of officers of the same regiment.

Lieut. Colo. Com'd. John Chandler, Majors Fillebrown & Gay, two Captains and two Subalterns from the 1. Regiment, three Captains and three Subalterns from the 3. Regiment ,will compose the Court.

Benjamin Whitwell esquire, is requested to act as Judge advocate.

Lt. Colo. Com'd. Moses Chandler will immediately upon receipt hereof, order Capt. Cony in arrest, and cause him to be served with a copy of these orders and of the charges exhibited against him; & will also cause the witnesses necessary to substantiate the said charges, to be summoned to attend the Court at the time & place aforesaid.

H: Sewall, B. Gen. (in the absence of M. Gen. Dearborn) Commanding Officer of the 8. Division

Brigade Orders, 2. Brigade 8. Division Augusta, March 24. 1800.