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by your country.

The frequent exercise of arms is necessary to form a good soldier, that by habit their use may become familiar – to this end, assemble often in small bodies for instruction [for instruction repeated and crossed out], and let your exercises be your amusement. Burnish your arms and inspect your accoutrements, that they may be always fit for the field – Resolve to improve in military skills, and sufficient opportunity will present for that purpose, without injury to your respective employments.

Be united in your several corps, and banish from you all causes of dissention – emulate each other in your martial efforts that by unity of principle and action, the most noble object of your ambition may be achieved – the security of your country.

To know how to command, it is first necessary to learn to obey – be prompt in executing all orders you receive; be vigilant in the discharge of your several duties, and patient and persevering in acquiring a thorough knowledge of the military system established by law – Discipline, subordination and union, are indispensably requisite in all military bodies, and in proportion as these prevail or decline, the public force of the Commonwealth will be augmented or diminished.

Officers and soldiers of Massachusetts, you already number sixty thousand men of the militia Army of the