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Division Orders, 8. Division, Augusta, March 29. 1802.

Brigadier General Chandler write please to give the necessary orders to Asher Spaulding, and others who have been associated for the purpose above mentioned to assemble at such time and place as he shall direct for the election of such officers as the law prescribes to constitute & organize them a Troop of Cavalry, pursuant to the foregoing orders.

                                                 H: Sewall, M.Gen.

General Orders, Headquarters, Northampton, 20. April, 1802.

From official returns and reports, the Commander in chief is happy to learn that the officers & soldiers of the militia continue their exertions for the maintenance of a respectable & well regulated military force; & that by their preserving efforts, discipline, order & subordination become more familiar & gain a more permanent establishment in the militia of this Commonwealth. --Advantages like these when attained in any considerable degree, may be preserved and even extended with much less trouble than that by which they were originally acquired.

The suspension of war in Europe is already felt in America. The government of the union have reduced their military establishment to the numbers necessary for the garrisons and frontier posts only, thereby evincing their reliance on the militia of the several States, primarily, for the national defense & reservation of internal peace- Extraordinary vigilance is therefore necessary to keep alive the martial spirit which in Massachusetts has already produced so powerful a militia.