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Whereupon the court passed sentence upon lieutenant-colonel Jeduthun Willington. That he be removed from office; & adjudged him incapable of holding any military commission under this Commonwealth for the term of ten years.

All the proceedings of the said general court martial having been heard before the Commander in chief, he after due consideration, has approved & affirmed the judgement & sentence of the said court; and orders that the same be carried into effects; and that the general court martial be dissolved.

By order of the Commander in chief Wm. Donnison, Adjt. General

Commonwealth of Massachusetts. general Orders, Headquarters, 20. February, 1804

The Court of inquiry ordered to be holden at Boston on the third instant to & examine & inquire into the truth of the facts alleged in the complaint of lieutenant colonel Robert Gardiner & others against brigadier general John Winslow of the legionary brigade, first Division, & report whether there are sufficient grounds in said complaint to authorize the calling a courtmartial for the trial of said brigadier general Winslow, or not - have reported in the words following, viz.

"The court of inquiry appointed by the order of his Excellency the Commander in chief, dated January 16. 1804 to convene at the county Courthouse in Boston on the third of February instant to examine into the facts alleged in the complaint of lieutenant colonel Robert Gardner, major Benjamin Harris, major Asa Hatch, major Amasa Stetson, & captain John Brazier, against brigadier general John Winslow, met according to said order, & was composed as