114 Friday January 18th 1822. Met according to adjournment. Journal of yesterday read. Report on pet. of Sol. Adams. + + The report of the committee on the petition of Solomon Adams + others to be incorporated by the name of the Proprietors of the centre meeting house in the Farmington direction notice to all concerned, accepted in the Senate and which on the [space] day of January ins. last[crossed out] was laid on the table, was called up, the House non[underlined]concurred in their acceptance of the re-port and the subject re[underlined]committed to the committee who made the report. Sent up for concurrence
Pet of Warsaw, Canaan + Petition[underlined] of Selectmen of Warsaw, Canaan + for authority to erect a bridge over a certain bog on the road from Canaan to Newport — read and referred to the committee on Turnpikes, Roads and Bridges. Sent up for concurrence.
Pet. of Overseers of poor of Cape Elizabeth — Petition[underlined] of the overseers of the Poor of the town of Cape Elizabeth to be reimbursed their expences in support-ing one Abraham Dolliff — read and referred to the committee on accounts. Sent up for concurrence.
Pet. of William Eames. Petition[underlined] of William Eames for an alterations of his name to that William Ames — read and referred to the committee on change of names.
Committee on application for new County — discharged Ordered[underlined] that the standing committee on the incorpor- of towns be discharged from the further consideration of the several petitions and remonstrances relating to the organization of a new County to be com-posed