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every Officer to use his utmost endeavours to prevent the disorderly & unsoldierly practice of firing on the day of review, in any other manner or place, than while embodied under the command of an officer; & that, in case of transgression, the offenders be proceeded with, as the law in such case directs.

The Commandants of regiments will cause these orders to be regularly & seasonably transmitted to the Commanding Officers of companies, who will be held responsible for the punctual appearance of every effective soldier, accounted & habited in the best possible martial array.

Doubts having arisen in some of the regiments, whether the officers & men selected & returned for detachment, are liable to the ordinary duty of musters, &c: It is hereby made explicit, that they are not excempt from any of the duties of company, battalion, or regimental trainings, required of the militia; but on the contrary, it is expected, that they will be the foremost to exhibit on all occasions, their prompt obedience of orders & actual readiness for the service to which they are professedly designated.

By order of B. Gen. Sewall,

Saml. Howard jr.[?] Brigade Major, 2. Brigade, 8. Div.