229 others - reported a reference of the subject to the com-mittee on New Trials. The report accepted in Senate came down for concurrence — and the House concurred.
Rep. on pet. of Jona Morgan The committee on the petition of Jonathan Morgan reported a Bill. The report accepted in Senate came down for concurrence — and the House concurred.
Bill - Portland Steam Boat Navigation Company Bill to incorporate the Portland Steam boat Navigation Company — was read a 1st + 2nd time and tomorrow at 10 o clock assigned for a 3d reading and referred to Messrs Adams of Portland, Crowell of Whitefield and Gower of Industry
Bill - incorp. town of Cooper The Bill " to incorporate the town of Cooper in the County of Washington which passed this House the 22n Ulto. came from the Senate amended at A for the concur-rence of the House — and the House concurred.
Resolve - to make valid certain Ex-ons + Resolve making valid certain executions issued from the Clerks office in Cumberland — was read twice and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.
Resolve - on pet of John Soule + Wm Soule - The Resolve on the petition of John Soule + William Soule authorizing John Grey to convey by deed of lot of land in the town of Freeport - which passed this House 30th Ulto came from the Senate in a new draft for the concurrence of the House — and the House concurred.
Bill - ministerial + school lands in Avon - The Bill " to establish the ministerial + school Fund in the town of Avon" which passed this House the 23 Ulto to be engrossed, came from the Senate in a new draft for the concurrence of the House — and House concurred.