[Mr Vance declared duly elected by Committee]
The Committee on elections, to whom was recommitted the report in reference to the election of Mr Vance, made a further report, that Mr Vance was duly elected & is entitled to hold a seat in this house, - report ordered to lie on the table.
[Senator to Congress]
Mr Dunlap moved a reconsideration of the vote assigning Tuesday next for the choice of a Senator to Congress, which motion prevailed - and tomorrow at 10 o'clock was assigned for such choice.
[Committee - fishery in Penobscot River]
On motion of Mr Pikes [Pike], Ordered that Messrs Pike, Kitteridge & Chapman be a committee to enquire as to the expediency of repealing in whole or in part the law of Masstts. passed Feby 1814 respecting the fishery in the Penobscot River - read and passed.
[pet. Thomas Bodge]
Petition, of Thomas Bodge, for leave to change his name - was read and referred to the committee on change of names.
[Report - Isaac Ilsley]
The committee on the petition of Isaac Ilsley, referred this morning, reported a bill - read & accepted.
[Bill - cede Monhegan to U.S.]
Bill, "to cede to the United States of America the jurisdiction of land on Monhegan Island" - was read 1 & 2d time and tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a 3d reading.
[Committee on fee bill -]
An order came from the Senate for concurrence appointing Messrs Green & Dennett with such &c & a committee to consider, the expediency of revising the fee bill and also what alterations if any, ought to be made in the law regulating the inspection.