Saturday January 18th 1823
Met according to adjournment - Journal read.
[pet. Selectmen of Chesterville]
On motion of Mr Coolidge Ordered that the Senate be requested to take from their files of last year and send to this House the petition of the Selectmen of Chesterville for authority to sell their public lands &c. Read & passed. The petition being accordingly sent down was referred to the committee on the incorporation of parishes & other religious societies & ministerial and school lands. - Sent up for concurrence.
[Academy at Anson]
The Senate were requested to send down the papers of the last session relating to the incorporation of an Academy at Anson - which being done they were referred to Messrs Dunlap, Chamberlain & Call with such as the Senate may join. Sent up for concurrence
[pet John H Sheppard & Warren Rice -]
Petition of John H Sheppard & Warren Rice in behalf of the town of Wiscasset for authority to sell certain lands belonging to said town & fund the proceeds - read & referred to the committee on parishes & other religious societies & ministerial & school lands. Sent up for concurrence.
[Note reconsidered respecting Portland Steam Boat &C &C]
Mr Coss [?], agreeably to the notice given yesterday, moved a reconsideration of the vote postponing the Bill, additional to an act to incorporate the Portland Steam Boat Navigation Company, & the motion prevailed. The Bill was then referred to Messrs Dunlap, McCobb and Crowell of Whitefield.