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in which, I found but little glory, + but little satis-faction. when I say, I have had my day [underlined], I don't mean that I no longer feel any interest in political parties; but that, I am not susceptible of excitement [underlined] as I have been. I will now, + will always, to quote from my own rhymes to you,-- Attend enough to politics, To understand the frauds + tricks of artful Demagogues who plan To humbug every one they can;-- Enough to understand what measures Secure the Country's rights + treasures; -- To know when Rulers grace their seats, Or when they act like fools + cheats Every man should do this, if he would aid in this preservation + perpetuity of his Constitutional Rights. Tell me, Lucius, (Don't forget to answer all my little questions) the number, + names, + ages, of all concerned in your store, including the owners + help. Tell me if your head accountant is an accomplished one, + what is his salary. Tell me if he is kind + patient with you. Tell me whether your head aches by confinement to clerical services. Tell me how much of the time in the store you are actually [underlined] employed; + how much you have to take breath [?]. Every minute [underlined] particular about yourself; - your ideas, + feelings, + plans + hopes, - your like + dislikes, - your acquaintances [underlined] + associations [underlined], will all be very interesting to me [underlined].