[Bill - Highways]
Bill - an additional act directing the method of laying out and making provision for the repair & amendment of Highways, was taken up and the further consideration of the subject postponed until Tuesday next at 10 o'clock.
[Bill - jurors]
The committee of conference on the part of the House on the Bill "in addition to an act regulating the selection, empannelling & service of Jurors", reported that the House recede from their vote noncurring [nonconcurring] the Senate in their amendments at A, and insist upon their vote noncurring [nonconcurring] the Senate in their amendment at B. and that the House adopt a section to be numbered as the second section. which report was ordered to lie on the table until the Bill should be sent down from the Senate.
[pet. William Sanborne & als]
Petition of William Sanborne & others for a committee to enquire if the Court of Sessions for the County of Cumberland have complied with the provisions of an act of Massachusetts authorizing the building of a bridge over Presumscot River &c was read & referred to Messrs Parker of G. Cobb, & Moulton.
[pet. Tristram Eaton & als]
Petitions of Tristram Eaton & als that Buxton may be annexed to the County of Cumberland - of Jacob Goodwin & als of Shapleigh to be annexed to Lebanon - was read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of towns. Sent up for concurrence.
[pet. Daniel Waterman Jun]
Petition of Daniel Waterman Jr adjt of 1st Reg. 1st Brig. 5. Div for further compensation &c was read & referred to the committee on accounts. Sent up for concurrence.
[Resolve - Saml. Emerson & Abiel Hall Jun]
Resolve in favor of Saml. Emerson & Abiel Hall Jr for medical & surgical services - was read a second time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.