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viction shall be made upon your mind; so that, at all times, in all cases, + in all relations, you may restrain anger, + exercise all needful forbearance + patience. [last three words underlined] I would now make almost any sacrifice if I could correct my past life in this respect. [last seven words underlined]. Alas it is now too late. My error + follies cannot be expunged from the book of remembrance.

    Don't let the future seem dark to you, Zadoc, If the sky of the present [underlined], is bright, it is enough.

Enjoy it as well as you can, innocently [underlined], + Providence will take care of the future [underlined]. If, after a fair [underlined] experiment, you shall not like to live in Boston, if you shall prefer to do business in the Country, [underlined], you may return, + we will find some employment for you whereby you may earn your bread. And if you stay where you are only one year or 6 months, and it will gain what knowledge you can, + the approbation? of your employers, the time will not be lost, but as well spent, as is probably could be, to qualify you for business, here, or elsewhere in time to come. Be cheerful [underlined], then, + do diligently all you can, in your place, for the interests of the Store, + to suit all concerned. I admire the the discretion of your not meddling at all in the other young men in any of these feuds. Continue to exercise this discretion. Treat them each + all politely, be kind + obliging to them so as to de serve their good will. But mind your own business + keep your proper distance [last four words underlined] form all things that don't concern you. [last three words underlined]