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I advise [underline] you to endeavor,k by all honorable con= duct, to gain the approbation + favor of the Firm of J. N.? Denison + Co. + each member thereof, particularly of Mr. Denison. [most of the prior sentence is underlined]. When I go to Boston, if I find you suit your place well, I shall try to gain, of the firm, as favorable terms for you, as the Blodgetts offend [?]. If I can do this, and if your health shall not suffer, I shall be satisfied that you are doing well.

    Don't my old pen wear well?  If I should not use

up this old quill any faster than I have done since I commenced my correspondence with you, allowing I write over 2 sheets of paper a day, it would last 2 years. [last two words underlined]. To do the same amount of writing with steel pens, would require a [Gron?] of the best. This pen answers one conven ient purpose, that is, as subject to write about [last four words underlined] in the absence of something more important.

    Evening.  Small + I husked corn in the barn

as long as we could see. Think how cosily we sat + husked + talked. I think he will not leave Buck field after all. He and his wife, particularly his wife, are very much attached to this people of this' place. I did expect a letter from you, some, today. I heard, today, of you that [you ?] was doing well + that you was a good boy. I am better pleased to hear this [underlined] than I should be to hear that a large sum of money had been bequeathed to me. There is no earthly good that

I desire so much as the prosperity + happiness of my

children. John Davis comes up to the table when I am writing with a big straw hat on, + says give my love to Zadoc + J. A. D.

Good night [underlined] Z. Long