From DigitalMaine Transcription Project
Bill for establishing rules & articles for governing the troops stationed in { forts & garrisons within this State &c &c - } 211.
- for the better making & measuring Malt - 213. 250. 259. 349.
- to prevent the spreading of the small pox & other contagious sickness. 212. 307. 318. 419.
- against forgery & counterfeiting 212. 237. 239. 284.
- to prohibit certain officers of Courts from buying promissory notes &c 212. 242. 275.
- against selling unwholesome provisions. 212. 242. 267. 275.
- against Sodomy & Bestiality - 212. 243. 275.
- to prevent damage from firing crackers, squibs, rockets &c. 212. 242. 275.
- to provide for the punishment of Rape &c - 212. 251. 328.