22 [1823 January 4 ]
[Pet. town Harrison] Petition of Daniel Smell praying for divorcement from his wife- " of Selectmen of the town of Harrison praying that their doings may be made valid [Unity} " of selectmen of Unity praying the same [Gilead] " of selectmen of Gilead do [Newry] " of selectmen of Newry do [Thorndike] " of selectmen of Thorndike do [Joy] " of selectmen of Joy do [R. Clark] " of R Clark Sheriff of Penobscot County do [Emph Goodale et als] "of Ephraim Goodale et als. praying for the passage of a law authorizing certain individuals to arrest certain disturbances of the peace - [John Gowen et als] "of John Gowen et als praying the same [B.R. Lewis et als] "of Benjamin R. Lewis et als do [N. Milliken et als] "of Nathaniel Milliken et als do [D.M. Christie] "of Daniel M. Christie praying that a law may be passed authorizing the Supreme Judicial Court to admit him to the bar. [Selectmen of & als of Goldsborough] and the Selectmen and assessors of Goldsborough of Hancock county praying an abatement of State tax - and they were severally read and committed to the same committee in concurrence with the House-