39 [1823 January 6] take toll.
[Pet. Selectmen of Addison] and petition of selectmen of Addison for a bridge across the west branch of Pleasant river, and were severally read and committed to the same committee in concurrence with the House.
The following petitions committed in the House in the Joint Standing Committee on Incorporation of Towns came up for concurrence viz - [David Winslow & als] Petition of David Winslow and others of Westbrook to be annexed to the town of Portland - [John Plummer & als] of John Plummer and others of Harrington to be set off from said town and annexed to the town of Addison [Rems of Elyah Densmore] and also a remonstrance of Elyah Densmore against annexation of certain inhabitants of Columbia to Harrington - and were severally read and committed to the same Committee in concurrence with the House. [Pet. James Bates] Petition of James Bates - Physician that his accounts against the State nay be allowed him - committed in the House to the Joint Standing Committee in concurrence with the House - [James Pomroy] Petition of James Pomroy of Hamden - for an additional pension in consequence of the loss of right arm - committed in the House to the Joint Standing Committee on Sick and wounded soldiers - came up for concurrence and was read