
From DigitalMaine Transcription Project
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15 name that carried with it a Maine residence was listed. In a number of instances no rolls or company returns were found of date falling within the period above mentioned, and in such cases rolls of an earlier date, muster returns and wages accounts that gave proof of a man's having enlisted into one of the 11 reg:iin.ents under the three years call of Jan. 1, 1777, were taken and examined, and the names of all Maine men listed, as it was assumed that the individual would be with his regiment except where his desertion or decease prior to Oct. 1, 1777, was reportaa. In short, every effort was made that


suggest itself

in order to make the lists as complete as possible, and the amount originally fixed upon as compensation would not, begin to pay for the t:im.e and labor that has been expended upon the task.

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that the informa.t ion was for a sister state and one whose early history is bound up in that of the Province and Commonwealth was sufficient incentive for doing the work as thorcugh1y as possible. It cannot be claimed that the name of every man who was a resident of Maine and who served in the 11 regiments is irteluded in these lists, as in many instances no clue whatever can be discovered as to the residence of individual soldiers.