
From DigitalMaine Transcription Project
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H. l\!ayor! Please pernlit me! 1'he weather's very hot, Will you kindly pass an ordel' to cool it off a lot! Haye you noticed. Mr. Mayor, that the erops are very late? "ViII you have your common COU11Cil g-ct to work and leg-islate! For the mayor is the party, who is bound to make the laws; If the people are in trouble and the mayor knows the cause, Why! He's g-ot to g-et him busy and to soothe their aching- pain Or he'U wish he hadn't ever been a mayor, up in Maine. Mayor Atkins is a mayor on a very different planUnanimously was he chosen, by the people, to a manAnd I fancy. in his city, there can be no aching pain; For I esteem it quite the fairest and the happiest in Maine. Quite a record for a young-ster, are the laurels be has won, Seven years the city's counsel-at tbe bar, since twenty-one, In the councils of the city. with a purpose strong- and true, In tile social life, a factor: and, in business pl'ogress, too, He's a man of public instinct, with capacity to leal'n, And an honor to his city. that bas honOl'ed him, in turn.
