To His Excellency the Governore & his Council
We the undersigned Indians of the Penobscot Tribe learning that Winslow Staples has resigned the office of Agent of our tribe & believing George F Dillingham to be a man capable & suitable to perform all the duties of that office respectfully petition you to appoint him to that office
Old Town April 29. 1859
Names -John X [his mark] Neptune Governor -Newell X [his mark] Saul -Peo[?] F. Nicolar[?] -Newell Nicolar[? -John Parey[?] -Gomer X [his mark] Sabattis -Joseph X [his mark] Soloman -Mitchel X [his mark] Stanishlaus[?] -Stephen X [his mark] Stanishlaus[?] -John X [his mark] Atteon[?] -Fransway X [his mark] [?] -Dean Mitchel X [his mark] Sockabasin -John Stanleff[?] -John Transway[?] -James Nicola -Peolis Nicola -Francis X [his mark] Mitchell -D[?] X [his mark] Sockabasin[?] -Francis X [his mark] Peal S[?] -[Crossed Out] -Peal X [his mark] Francis -Sabbitis[?] X [his mark] Peal Susap[?] -Joseph M. Sock[?] -Sappid[?] Socklexis[?] -Joe Meary Swassin -Joseph Nicolar[?] -