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�State of Maine County of Penobscot, ss, At a circuit court of common pleas {begun} and {holden} {at} Bangor within {a for } said county on the {fourteenth} Thursday of June {AD} 1820 On the twenty seventh day of June in the year of our lord eighteen hundred and twenty, personally appeared in open court, being a court of record within and for said county and State of Maine, established by law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, made and passed on the {twenty seventh} day of June A.D 1811, and recognized by the Constitution of the State of Maine William Forby aged fifty [eight] years, resident in Bangor in said county of Penobscot, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath, declare that he served in the Revolutionary war as follows: I served as a private soldier in the Revolutionary War in the company commanded by [ Capt ] , Jackson in the second [Massachusetts] regiment commanded by Col. [ Sprauy ] in the [continental] [establishment] [under] a three year [continually] and was honorably discharged on the 21st day of 6 December 1783 as is [such] [forth] in my original declaration made on the 5th day of April 1818 on which declaration [pension] certificate numbered 9,074 was granted [Schedule] of the family of William Forbes who by [agree] [partisan]