30 [1825 January 10] otherwise Sent down for concurrence, came up concurred and Messrs. Wingate, Deane and Burns were joined.
[Resolve] Mr. Dunlap from the Committee upon that subject, reported a Resolve for purchasing Greenleafs Reports which was read once and 2 Oclock P.M. assigned for 2d reading.
[Report on Committee on employment of a Scribe] Mr. Green from the Committee upon that subject, reported that they had agreed to employ Mr. Daniel Clark of Portland to draft and copy Bills and Resolves, during the present session of the Legislature. Report was read, accepted and sent down for concurrence.
[Notice for reconsideration] Mr. Parsons of L then gave notice that he should tomorrow at 10 Oclock, move for a reconsideration of the vote whereby the Senate accepted the report last mentioned.
[Petitions referred] Petition of the President, Directors and Company of the Bank of Portland for the increase of their Capital Stock. Petition of Boyce McLellan and others for a Bank at Skowhegan falls. Petition of President, Directors and Company of Casco Bank, for increase of Capital Stock. Petition of Jacob McGaw and others for a Bank at Bangor, and Petition of Artemas Leonard and others for a Bank at Hallowell, having been severally referred in the House to the Committee on Banks and Banking, came up for concurrence