203. Resolves on the Pay Roll of the Senate - - on the Pay Roll of the House of Representatives - - for the payment of accounts against the State - were severally finally passed. Sent up for concurrence.
Message from the Senate by Mr Smith their Secretary. Mr Speaker The Senate have voted to adjourn, when they do adjourn, without day - Ordered that when this House adjourns, it do adjourn without day - and that the Clerk acquaint the Senate therewith by Message -
An order came from the Senate for concurrence appointing Messrs Stebbins & Dunn, with such as the House may join a Committee to avail on the Governor & inform him the Legislature have passed on all the public business, and have agreed to adjourn without day, & to enquire if he has any further communication to make the present session - and the House concurred & appointed Messrs Diane of Kennebunk, McCobb of Phipsburg & Cobb of Durham.
Mr Dave of the House from the joint Committee to wait on the Governor & inform him the Legislature have passed on all the public business & Reported, that the Governor was pleased to reply to the Message that he would forthwith make his last communication to both branches by the Secretary of State.
Message from the Governor. Mr Nichols the Secretary of State came [inserted above]^in with the following Message from the Governor, and having read the same laid it on the Speakers table & returned,