107 [1824] Senate January 24th 1824
[Petition referred] Petition of Proprietors of Southwest bend Bridge was taken from the files, and recommitted to the Committee on New Trials. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.
[Committee on Inspection of Butter] On motion of Mr. Fairbanks ordered that Messrs. Fairbanks and Dunlap be a Committee with such as the House may join, to take into consideration the law relative to the Inspection of Butter. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred & Messrs. Shaw, Sanbourn & White were joined.
[Petition recommitted] Report of the Committee on the Petition of John Haws & others which had been accepted & sent down for concurrence, came up nonconcurred, with and order for recommitment; and the Senate reconsider the Vote by which they accepted said report and concur with the House.
[Petition referred] Petition of Jacob Cobern and others to be incorporated into a Manufacturing Company was read and referred to the Committee on Application from Manufacturing Companies. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.
Petition of Joseph Lawrence of Jay, to make valid a certain Deed, was read and referred to the Committee on Towns. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.
[Bill] Bill giving further power to the Lewiston Bridge Corporation was read once and committed, and Monday at 10 O'clock assigned for 2nd Reading.