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�Penobscot [js] State of Maine On this twentieth day of June in this year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred Twenty [three], Personally appeared in open court to [NOTE: can not interpret word following "to"] in the Supreme Judicial Court [holden] at Bangor within a for said County the same being a court of record which proceeds according to the [NOTE: can not interpret word following "the"] of the common laws with a jurisdiction unlimited in [paint] of [amount] [Jacob] of [fact in manner] said county aged sixty two years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the provisions made by the acts of the 18th March 1818 the 1st of May 1820 + the 1st of March 1823 [that] [he] the [NOTE: can not interpret word following "the"] Jacob Hart [NOTE: can not interpret line of words that ends with Massachusetts inserted above the line starting with Hart] enlisted for the [term] of three years in the year 1780 as a private soldier in the company commanded by [Benjamin Haywood] in the Regiment commanded by [Captain] Col. Smith in the Massachusetts line on the continental establishment, that he was transferred to the company commanded by Capt. Adam Bailey in Col Ebenezer Sprouts Regiment + continued in said service until the close of the year 1783 when he was discharged from said [NOTE: can not interpret words following "said" to the words "State of New York"] State of New York. And I do solemnly swear [Hart J] was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th of March 1818 + I have not since that time by gift sale or in any other manner disposed of my property or pass [past] thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the Provision of an Act of [NOTE: can not interpret word following "of"] Entitled an Act to Provide for Certain Persons Engaged in the Land + Naval Service of the United States in the Revolutionary War [passed] on the 18th day of March 1818 + that I have [met now] has any person in trust for me any property or services contacts or debts due to me [nor] I have any income other than [NOTE: can not interpret rest of words on this page following "than"']