102 [1823 January 15] been read and accepted and sent to the House for concurrence, came up nonconcurred; and the Senate reconsidered their vote by which they accepted the report.
[Report on Sundry Petitions] Mr. Green from the committee on the following petitions, viz- Petition of Joseph Lawrence " of Benjamin Shaw & others and " of Selectmen of Putnam, Reported that they severally have been to bring in a Bill: Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence. came up concurred.
[Report on Sundry Petitions] Mr. Buxton from the committee on the following petitions viz Petition of Isaac G. Reed & others " of Selectmen of Temple " of Jonathan Brown & others " of Jeremiah Stinchfield & others and " of the Trustees of Brunswick Academy, Reported that they severally have leave to bring in a Bill which reports were severally read, accepted and sent down for concurrence.
[Report on Petitions] Mr. Case from the Committee on the petitions of John Wise, and of the Selectmen of Lincolnville, reported that they severally have leave to withdraw their petitions; Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence.
[Report on Petition] Mr. Tallman form the committee, on the petition of William Stinson & others for